Are These Magical Roses In A Box The Secret To True Love?

Posted by Rosephoria Team on

Here’s to sparky relationships, steamier evenings, and waaaay less disappointing Tinder dates. Can a box of roses really bring an end to years of love draught, bad relationships, and Tinder dates going haywire? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘maybe’ as long as you meet other conditions and criteria. It’s not set in bedrock, nothing is. So, why have these ‘everlasting’ roses suddenly gone viral all over social media and glossy mags? From Kardash-es to celebrity influencers, everyone seems to have these in their living room. Can these magical roses in a box and/or glass dome really find true love for you? We asked relationship experts and coaches and here’s what they had to say.

Can You Attract Love?

Absolutely, that is a YESSSS!. I know it for sure and I’m assured by every expert I spoke to. You can find love even in the most remote jungle if you really open up. By now we’ve all heard about the Law Of Attraction and The Secret. So, here’s a fact. When it comes to lust, love, and relationship - your vibe creates your experience. And roses can really help initiate things and add fuel to fire.

Using roses to attract love is not a modern fad. The ancient Greeks and the lusty Romans used the divine bloom to seduce their partners to bed. This was a common practice. Mystery shrouded the rose and it became a central character in ancient mythology. The central theme was love, lust, affection, secrecy, and even adultery.

So, yes, rose works. But it’s not going to go out there and find you your true love. How it really works is a mystery. But it induces that subtle yet powerful love vibe in and around you. And that I feel creates the magic. It also works as a catalyst to speed things up, add fuel to the spark and build the fire. I know this from personal experience, because ..,

The Magical Rose In A Glass Dome

I used to be a sucker for love. I would be swept off my feet every weekend, go on dates, fall in love within days, and then royally screw up within weeks. They never lasted.And it was because I never believed it would last. When I got the eternal rose, I placed it next to my bed and every night I would stare at the fairy lights and the rose within the glass dome for eternity (at least it seemed). It was like a meditation session. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. That changed me completely. It essentially changed how I felt about love, sex and relationship. To cut a long story short, I met my true love - my beautiful wife - within a few months and have never been happier.

The Enchanting Roses In A Box

Oh, Love So Rosy! Indeed love is in a rose. And it’s inside us. Some chemical reactions need a catalyst. And the love chemistry sure as hell needs a boosting agent for some of us. The eternal roses in a box might just be the right magic wand for you. These real flowers are shrouded in magic and mystery. They do not age and are forever young in timelessness. They look like they fell in a time gap and froze in perpetual beauty. Hold one of the roses and mutter ‘Expelliarmus’ to see if it truly is your magic wand that’ll lift the veil and find you your true love.

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roses that last a year
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