2 Over The Top Romantic Roses In A Box

Posted by Rosephoria Team on

For if you dare, you have a chance .. or not at all.

In life sometimes you just need to go over the top. I said it. Whether you're gunning for glory, the wealth to get that dream beach-side home in Hawaii, or just want to spend your entire life with this woman of your dreams ... you gotta go where others don't. Stand out and show you're willing to give it all. Women like men who can risk it to get what they want. It's the ultimate turn-on for a woman. Ever wondered why women who seem to have it all keep getting attracted to the lumberjacks? Sitting in an office with a laptop is not sexy - let's face it. So, what do you do? How do you prove that you're willing to go all the way? Go over the top and do what others haven't. If it doesn't work, you lose nothing. But when it does, you get it all. It's everything you've been dreaming of.
So, if you're planning to surprise her with flowers this weekend (or on Valentine's Day), don't pick up a cut rose in a plastic foil from your local florist or supermarket. Instead, get one of these.

Rosephoria: Enchanting Forever Roses In A Box

Everlasting roses in a box. Real roses are frozen in time like they've been touched by an enchanted spell to stay forever young, forever beautiful to reflect the grandeur of nature and glamor of Venus - Goddess of Love. In the most mesmerizing yet gentle, suggestive way, tell her how you feel without saying a word.

Roses have been used forever to win love. Go back in time and you'll see the Romans using the divine bloom to seduce women a letto. We find the same in Greek mythology. The rose symbolized the highest power of love, lust, affection, and even adultery and secrecy.

What Are Everlasting Roses?

What looks like roses touched by a magic spell, are actually real preserved roses that have been embalmed using modern science, a proprietary solution to replace the sap, and painstaking work from expert florists. The best roses are picked in their prime from near the volcanoes of Ecuador and then manually treated to freeze them in time in perpetual beauty and youth.

If you know SHE’S THE ONE, and you're ready to throw in everything, then go over the top with the best everlasting roses in a box out there - Rosephoria's 36 Square Rose Box. It's an investment and it will set you back $449 but the returns are manyfold more. Always remember Newton's 3rd Law - what you give is what you get back in equal force. It's the Law Of Karma - infallible.

RoseBox: Long Lasting Roses In A Box (Half Bowl)

If you want to lower your budget on your over-the-top romantic gesture, then it's worth considering this beautiful bunch. Since Rosephoria's wild success, many companies have followed suit. RoseBox is one of the few who have come closest in emulating the preservation process. These preserved roses are beautifully arranged in a half bowl, adding an exotic touch to them. The gorgeous roses are preserved well and will certainly impress.

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eternity rose
enchanted rose
roses that last a year
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eternity rose
enchanted rose
roses that last a year
preserved roses
eternal roses
one year roses